Emily Daugherty
October 2, 2013
MANAGEMENT AND PROTECTION OF COASTAL AREA, THE IMPORTANCE OF COASTAL PROCESSES DURING THE PLANNING PHASE The scientist, Giuseppe Barbaro, researched how coastlines in southern Italy were being affected due to industrialization of ports and the urbanization of the coastal area. Barbaro believes that engineers and builders should take into effect the natural processes and incorporate that into the planning of coastal structures. By taking natural processes into account and also by study morphological models, less of the coastal environment will be damaged by the construction. Human activity, as well as natural processes, such as waves and storms causes erosion on the coast line. Through his studies Barbaro found that urbanization and industrialization along the coastline, is directly related to erosion and affects the natural evolution of the shoreline. Greater knowledge between wave and structure can reduce the amount of damage done to the environment. Reason being, because the urbanization of coastal areas causes the natural movement of sand, and reduces the area of natural beach. The results of his studies are important because it highlights the damages being done to the coastal environment. The results can change the future of coastal structures. It will bring awareness to the current situation and influence change among the planning and constructive process. I feel that they should change the way they build coastal structures. Not only is it damaging a coastline, but it’s damaging the ecosystem of the area as well as effecting natural processes. As humans we are speeding up the erosion process and damaging