2. Difference between civil liberties and civil rights c. Civil liberties (sometimes referred to as “negative rights”) are freedoms that are guaranteed to an individual. These are restraints on the gov. Civil liberties declare what the government cannot do. d. Civil rights (“positive rights”) are powers and privileges that are guaranteed to the individual and protected against arbitrary removal at the hands of the gov or individuals. Like the right to vote or free expression and stuff.
3. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion in two clauses: e. The establishment clause- this prohibits laws establishing religion. f. Free exercise clause- which prevents the government from interfering with the exercise of religion. g. Together, these ensure that the government can neither promote nor inhibit religious beliefs or practices.
4. Know where phrase “Wall of separation between church and state” appears and comes from h. In 1879, the Supreme Court contended, quoting Thomas Jefferson, that the establishment clause erected “a wall of separation between church and State.”
5. Lemon v. Kurtzman bottom of 490-491: in 1971, the court struck down a state program that would have helped pay the salaries of teachers hired by parochial (parochial means of or relating to a church or parish) schools to give instruction in secular subjects. i. The justices proposed a 3 prong test for determining the constitutionality of gov. programs and laws under