Conquest by the Cradle
Know: Thirteen Original Colonies
1. What was the significance of the tremendous growth of population in Britain's North American colonies?
* First of all about half of the growth was due to slaves imported or born, and secondly, the growth made the Colonies have roughly 1/3 of the population of their conquerors, setting the stage for the revolutionary war.
A Mingling of Races
Know: Pennsylvania Dutch, Scots-Irish, Paxton Boys, Regulator Movement
2. What was the significance of large numbers of immigrants from places other than England? * a mingling of the races
The Structure of Colonial Society
Know: Social Mobility
3. Assess the degree of social mobility in the colonies. * high degree of social mobility. No classes, no one really had the “upper hand”. Colonial Americans were able to go from “rags to riches” with somewhat of an ease.
Makers of America: The Scots-Irish
Know: The Session
4. How had the history of the Scots-Irish affected their characteristics? * they distanced themselves from the Anglican church. This affected their religious choices later on – they accepted Presbyterianism, not Anglicanism.
Clerics, Physicians, and Jurists
Know: Smallpox, Diphtheria
5. Why has the relative prestige of the professions changed from colonial times to today?
Workaday America
Know: Triangular Trade, Naval Stores, Molasses Act
6. Describe some of the more important occupations in the colonies.
Horsepower and Sailpower
Know: Taverns
7. What was it like to travel in early America?
Dominant Denominations
Know: Established Church, Anglicans, Congregationalists, Presbyterians
8. How did the denominations in America affect relations with Great Britain?
The Great Awakening
Know: Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Old Lights, New Lights, Baptists 9. How was the religion