Graded Assignment
Unit Test, Part 2: Regional and Transregional Interactions,
c. 600 C.E. to c. 1450 C.E.
Complete and submit this assignment by the due date to receive full credit.
(45 points)
1. Compare and contrast the Hindu caste system with social structures in two of the following during the period c. 600 B.C.E. to c. 1450 C.E.:
Bantu peoples in Africa civilizations in Mesoamerica and the Andes medieval Europe
Answer: The social structures of the Hindu caste system, the Bantu peoples of Africa, and medieval Europe differed greatly. Some structures were given different names while others just consisted of different kinds of people. Each class also had different responsibilities to their community, specifically the lowest and highest class members. The Hindu caste system only had four major classes which they gave different names based on their creator-god’s body parts, the Bantu people only had one ruling class, and the medieval Europeans had three classes which they called estates. Each of the places had some version of Hindu caste systems but they were all called different names and consisted of different people. The highest caste of Hindu’s caste system was called the Brahmins; the Brahmins only consisted of priests and teachers. This caste system came about from the different body parts of their creator-god named Brahma. Unlike the Hindu people, the Bantu people’s class structure, specifically the highest class, were determined by the most prominent family in the community. The head of this well-known family was known as the chief of the community, though they worked alongside the ruling class. In Medieval Europe, their class identification system were named the estates. Medieval Europe’s highest estate was made up of the wealthy and noble people of Europe but sometimes higher ranking church members would have more power and influence over their country than the people of the highest class. The next group of Hindu’s