Pg. 337 “field note” * Niarobi-mombasa road in Kenya. * Goats crossed with gazelles are called elands. They were docile, manageable, and in good health.
Pg. 343 “field note” * 1983 Gambia the women were the traditional growers. They staged a strike but the control was now under male heads of household who reaped income from the women’s labor.
Pg. 330-339 “what is agriculture and where did it begin?” * AGRICULTURE –the deliberate tending of crops and livestock to produce food, feed, and fiber. * Only half of all food staple grains are consumed directly by the people; the other half is used for feed for the livestock. * Agriculture is a primary industry. * PRIMARY ACTIVITIES – drawing out resources and raw materials from the earth. * SECONDARY ACTIVITES – to take a primary product and manufacture it into a product. * TERTIARY ACTIVITIES – part of the service industry: selling the goods and providing a service to people. * QUATERNARY ACTIVITIES – a subset of tertiary activities; divided into quaternary (exchange for money or goods) and quinary (research and education). * EX: Guatemalan agriculture sector accounts for