Mr. Holcomb
AP Psychology
16 May 2014
Hypochondriasis also knows as, hypochondria is a type of mental illness. It is a type of somatoform disorder which causes bodily symptoms. It is an anxiety disorder in which people think they have a disease or are convinced that they do have a disease. Hypochondriacs still think they have a disease even though medical tests show that they are not sick. For example, if a hypochondriac has a headache, he may think that it was caused by a brain tumor. They take normal body functions to the extreme. This condition can happen to anyone at any age. Most of the time hypochondriasis begins in early adulthood. Hypochondria affect men and women equally. There is not an exact cause of hypochondria, although there are factors that may be involved in the development of the disorder. Some factors include: a history of physical or sexual abuse, history of having a serious illness as a child, poor ability to express emotions, parent or close relative with the disorder (children may learn this type of behavior), inherited susceptibility for the disorder, history of going to many doctors (he may even "shop around" for a doctor who will agree that he has a serious illness), the person may suffer from anxiety, nervousness and depression. Symptoms and signs of hypochondria can range from general complaints like having pain in certain area or tiredness. People with hypochondria also have concerns about normal bodily functions like breathing or coughing. Other symptoms include, having a long-term intense fear or anxiety about having a serious disease or health condition, worrying that minor symptoms or bodily sensations mean you have a serious illness, frequently switching doctors, continuously talking about symptoms or suspected diseases with family and friends, obsessively doing health research, frequently checking body for problems, such as lumps or sores, and thinking about have a disease after reading