Chapter6- Classical Era Variations: Africa and the Americas500B.C.E.–1200C.E.
Learning Targets
★ Analyze classical civilizations thatevolvedoutsideof themorewell-known civilizations of Eurasia
★ Comparethedevelopmentof civilizationsinAfrica and the Americas
★ Examinethefactorsthatmakecivilizationsdevelop andanalyzewhytheydevelop differentlyin someregions
★ Distinguishthecharacteristics of complex civilizationsandjudgewhether theycould develop without any recognizable centralized control
Big Picture Questions
1. “The particular cultures and societies of Africa and of the Americas discussed in this chapter developed largely in isolation from one another.” What evidence would support this statement and what might challenge it?
2. “How do you understand areas of the world, such as Bantu Africa and North America, that did not generate “civilizations”? Do you see them as “backward”, as moving slowly toward civilization, or as simply different?
3. How did African proximity to Eurasia shape its history? And how did American separation from the Eastern Hemisphere affect its development?
4. “The histories of Africa and Americas during the second-wave era largely resemble those of Eurasia.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain why or why not.
Margin Review Questions
1. What similarities and differences are noticeable among the three major continents of the world?
2. How didthehistory of Meroë and Axumreflectinteraction with neighboring civilizations?
3. How does theexperienceoftheNiger Valleychallengeconventionalnotions of “civilization”?
4. With whatEurasian civilizations might the Maya be compared?
6. WhatkindofinfluencedidChavínexertin theAndes region?
7. WhatfeaturesofMochelifecharacterizeitas acivilization?
8. What was the significance of Wari and Tiwanaku in the history of Andean Civilization?
9. What