The Europeans and the Japanese have many aspects of feudalism in common, but also many that differ. Their feudalisms are more differences than similarities. The differences include their cultural and political aspects. They have similarities in the social aspects.
The first way they differ culturally is their views on death. The Japanese saw death as acceptable and right, while the Europeans saw it as wrong and were more concerned on survival. The Japanese would often slit open their bellies and let them bleed out. Their views on death differed mainly because of their religions. The Japanese were Buddhist and believed in an afterlife, while the Europeans were Christian. The second cultural difference is the arts. Japan took pride in their arts with their poetic skills, and calligraphy, while the Europeans were less involved in the arts. The Europeans were more focused toward knights and the warrior class than the arts. The third thing they have culturally different is their views on women. The Japanese thought women should tough like their warriors and accept self-destruction out of loyalty to the lord or family. The Europeans saw women as fragile and inferior beings.
One political difference is their political structures. Both depended on bonds of personal loyalty and had cases of traitors and traitorous betrayals. The lords of Europe were at the top of the class and controlled the peasants. This lord-vassal relationship was seen as mutual and contractual. It was also ultimate and absolute loyalty on behalf of the vassal. This relationship was legalistic, meaning they followed a set of laws. In Japan there was more emphasis on morality than law. They did not have the same set laws that the Europeans did There was not as much room for a concept of political rights. The Japanese saw the importance of lineage and honor in determining power and prestige and securing ownership of property. The Japanese avoided the hereditary