World History AP
Christianity and Buddhism are two different religions that developed and spread contemporaneously in during the Classical Period different territories. Both of them share some similarities as well as differences. Both of these religions were founded based upon different principles taught by different people; in Buddhism’s case Gautama Buddha a thinker and in Christianity’s it is Jesus Christ who is a prophet. These two universal doctrines spread in times of chaos, in which citizens of their own territories were looking forward to achieve salvation of any kind. Although alike these two doctrines didn’t have a same concept of what is divinity is nor they spread in the same societies. In Buddhism they started spreading in the Indian society and for Christianity in the Mediterranean society conquered by Rome. Both of these religions were the most influential and important doctrines which spread during the Classical Period.
Christianity was founded during the 1st century C.E, it was based upon the teachings of the Jewish prophet called Jesus Christ. He had many followers who later on wrote in his teachings in latin in a book known as The Bible, which is considered by Christian’s to be God’s word. Buddhism was founded by the thinker Siddãrtha Gautama, later on known as Buddha. His teachings were also written in Sanskrit in a book known as The Sutras. Buddha’s teachings and principles were called Dharma, he taught the people how to make their way to the Nirvana; which is similar to Christians who also believe in this way of after life but, call it Heaven. Nirvana and Heaven are the places or the state of infinity you reach after you died only if you followed your religion’s principles. For example, in Christianity you are supposed to put God in a position in your life in which he is over everything and, follow his son Jesus’ teachings.