unit 2 essay outline #1
Since societies in the Classical World achieved a higher degree of internal organization than earlier communities, they were able to extend their focus to trade. Although the Silk Roads were the most well known trade routes during the classical era, the Spice trade was also prominent. Being affiliated with a blend of different societies and regions, the Silk Roads saw numerous amounts of goods. Similar to the Silk Roads, the Spice trade was also vast but mostly carried out by maritime traveling.
#1 T.S.-Although the Silk Roads were the most well known trade routes during the classical era, the Spice trade was also prominent.
Silk Roads linked the Eurasian …show more content…
Although it failed, Sulla of Rome had not even tried to address this serious problem. Due to this, poverty in cities, especially Rome, led to periodic social eruptions when the price of grain rose or the supply fell.
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Topic Sentence: Following these efforts of land reform, in China and Rome, consequences arose in both regions.
Revolts were an active consequence that resulted from land reform, in both China and Rome. The Yellow Turban Uprising in China which was lead by peasants who had still not received their fair share of land. This was a serious revolt that raged throughout China that tested the resilience of the Han state.
The seriousness of such revolts was proven when Han dynasty was weakened by the uprising during the second and third centuries. The full effect of this was shown when eventually the uprising led to collapse of the Han dynasty.
Consequences in the Roman Empire were also shown between the patricians and the plebeians. During the fifth century B.C.E, relations between the classes became so strained that the plebeians threatened to succeed from Rome and establish a rival settlement. This eventually led to the establishment of tribunes which altered the Roman government.