The NIAAA code of ethics can be very beneficial to an athletic director. With how things are in sports right now, with all the scandals and inappropriate behavior nationwide. It is very important to having some sort of universal rules to go by. The code of ethics put into place, so that athletic directors no how they are to act and what is expected of them. If there wasn't a national code of ethics, you would have AA’s handling the same situations differently.…
A Comparison of the American Counseling Association and the American Association of Christian Counselors Code of Ethics…
Include a statement explaining how your educational experience has affected your ethical thinking. This analysis must address your use of ethics in thinking and decision-making and your potential for conflict in situations with people who have different interpretations of ethical behavior. -Format according to APA standards.…
| Reflects on the chosen disciplines ' ethical standards related to the chosen issue and uses examples to support the analysis.…
In conclusion, various elements of the Tuskegee study demonstrated unethical research practices. For this reason, countless lives were lost and many others suffered incomparable outcomes. The Tuskegee study proves the importance of conducting ethical research for society and individuals as a…
In Professional Standards in Human Service and Research, it was explained that ethical standards provide a mechanism for professional accountability. The necessity of ethical behavior in clinical and research practice was covered in detail. I also learned how important it was for a professional to keep their own values from influencing clients.…
3) Here is a related in-text citation example without a direct quote: It may be more appropriate to think creatively during earlier planning and problem-solving stages (Ellis, 2006).…
As a future counselor, I can say with certainty that at some point in my counseling career I will be faced with an ethical dilemma. What will help me in this type of situation is having a solid understanding of the ACA Ethical Guidelines. My understanding of ethics is that it is beneficial to both the client and the counselor and serves as a guide for counselors and protects the client. From the counselor perspective, ethical guidelines provide guidance, boundaries and answers to ethical dilemmas that arise during counseling sessions. To be discussed in this paper is a summary of my understanding of ethics as it pertains to ethics and legalities course I am currently enrolled in. In addition the ethical codes…
Throughout our nation's history, we have taken part in many unethical means of gaining information or knowledge. Some of the more famous cases include, The Milgram Obedience and Authority experiment, The Stanford Prison experiment, and of course the Abu Ghraib scandal involving our own U.S. soldiers. While two of these instances were not intended to cause physical harm, they were all branded unethical due to the extent of not only the physical abuses that took place, but the painful psychological impact it left on those involved.…
My understanding of how the AASW Code of Ethics (2010), impacts and guides practice has significantly developed from my experiences and observations throughout my final placement.…
As these are the rules I will have to follow in my future career, it is important that I understand them. The code of conduct was developed to provide a set of standards that professionals in the field of psychology must all follow. They protect the profession, the people in the profession and the clients. Once I am a psychologist I will be expected to know these principles and apply them in my career. As a graduate learner, getting to know these principles gives me a clear view as to what is required of me and the responsibility I will have as a psychologist. These ethical procedures show what kind of behaviors are considered acceptable and also provide a clear explanation of what is unacceptable for the practice of psychology. Similar to the Capella Learner Code of Conduct (2014), the APA Ethical Principles of Psychology and Code of Conduct (2010) prepares myself as a graduate learner for a professional and rewarding…
Professional organizations and associations in nursing are critical for generating the energy, flow of ideas, and proactive work needed to maintain a healthy profession that advocates for the needs of its clients and nurses, and the trust of society (Matthews, 2012). It is of vital importance for nurses at all levels of the profession to be active in organizations that promote and advance the nursing profession.…
Gottlieb, M.C. (1993). Avoiding Exploitive Dual Relationships: A Decision-Making Model. Journal of Psychotherapy, 30(1), 41-48. Retrieved from…
Laventhal, N., Tarini, B., & Lantos, J. (2012). Ethical Issues in Neonatal and Pediatric Clinical Trials. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 59(5), 1205–1220. doi:10.1016/j.pcl.2012.07.007 …
In this work ACC 410 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 Ethics Case you will find right answers on the following task: "Harris Fell, CPA and member of the AICPA, was engaged to audit the financial statements of Wilson Corporation. Fell had half-completed the audit when he had a dispute with the management of Wilson Corporation and was discharged. Hal Compton, CPA, was promptly engaged to replace Fell. Wilson Corporation did not compensate Fell for his work to date; therefore, Fell refused to allow Wilson Corporation…