Your Name
School Name
Begin typing your abstract here. The paragraph should be between 150-250 words. After typing in your abstract go up to the insert ribbon, click and then select page break. Doing so will take you to the first body page of your paper.
Put Your Full Tittle Here Hit tab key one time and begin typing your paragraph. When you reach the end of a line when typing do NOT hit the Enter or Return key to achieve double spacing. Instead continue typing and allow your computer to conduct word wrapping. With word wrapping your computer will automatically adjust your sentence to the setting you have provided: double spacing and one inch margins. At the end of a paragraph hit enter one time to begin a new paragraph. Hit tab one time to indent and continue typing your next paragraph. Remember that in APA any source that you use in your paper must have in-text citation. This in text citation consists of the author’s last name and year of publication in parentheses, like this (Smith 2009). If the source you are using does not identify an author, then use a shortened version of the source title in place of the author’s name, like this: (“Prison Education,” 2008).
Last name, C. (2009). Title of source you used in your paper. The Journal of Education. 22(3), 12-24.
Last name. J. (2008). Be sure not to capitalize the source title. Experimental Treatment, 10, 1218-1224 doi: 10.1000/182
Last name. M. (2007). The title of a source is not capitalized unless it is the first word or a proper noun. Neurology Archives, 8 (2), 15-18.
References: Last name, C. (2009). Title of source you used in your paper. The Journal of Education. 22(3), 12-24. Last name. J. (2008). Be sure not to capitalize the source title. Experimental Treatment, 10, 1218-1224 doi: 10.1000/182 Last name. M. (2007). The title of a source is not capitalized unless it is the first word or a proper noun. Neurology Archives, 8 (2), 15-18.