• The paper should be typed and double-spaced, on standard 8 ½” x 11”, 20-pound white paper.
• All four outside margins should be set at 1 inch.
• As many as applicable of the following sections should appear in the paper, each one beginning on a separate page: abstract, text, references, appendices, author identification notes, footnotes, tables, figure captions, figures. Each section should have a running header on the first line of the page, flush right.
• The manuscript title on the first page should begin about 1/3 of the way down the page. The title block on that page should include: full title (one or more lines), writer 's name, course name and number, instructor 's name, and the date - all centred on double-spaced lines
• A running header with consecutive page numbering should appear flush right in the upper right-hand corner of each page, including the manuscript title page. This running header will appear one-half inch from the top of the page, and should contain a short version of the manuscript title, followed by the page number.
In-Text Citation of Sources - APA
• In general, APA in-text documentation format uses the author-date style of citation, with the author 's name, followed by the year of publication, cited within the body text of an article. The complete details on the source document are included in the "References" list at the end of the paper.
• Normally, an in-text citation will be introduced with a "signal phrase" that includes the author’s last name, followed by the year of publication in parentheses. The page number in the source document, preceded by a "p.", should appear in parentheses immediately after the quotation. Example: As Smith (1998) observed, "There was only one way to go after that" (p. 97).
• In cases when the author 's name is not in the signal phrase, enclose the author 's last name, the year, and the page number, in parentheses at the end of the quotation. Example: (Smith, 1998, p.
Citations: Waterston, F., Dixon M. (2007). Cuisine as a cultural and religious marker [Electronic version]. National Journal of Anthropology, 7, 125-132. Bedford, F. (1990, October 30). The Psychology of Fear: Is it all in our heads? The New York Times, p. B4. Chrissie, S. (1995, July 31). Are We Afraid of Our Computers? The Chicago Tribune, pp. D4, D6. Gorman, J.R., & Smithson, R.T. (1997). The Dynamics of Human Fear Neuroses In the Age of the Modern Computer (pp. 345-353). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Hillson, G., (1996, December). The Unwelcome Eventual Alternative - Computers That Tell Us What To Do. The New Psychologist, 22, 45-54. Fawcett, S. (1999). Internet Basics without fear!, Montreal: Final Draft Publications. Francis, V. (1985). The Fear Experience: Do We Really Know What We 're Getting Into? London: Oxford Press. Sawyer, D., & Johnson R. (1987). The Transference of Fears of Technology To Those Around Us - A Case Study. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Transom, Z., & Rutherford, S. (1991, October). The Relationship Between Occasional Writer 's Block and Fear of Technology. Psychology Today, 27, 82-88.