Synopsis: An ambitious programmer goes on a business trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where he attends a digital company that uses Apesion, a telepathic procedure that uploads virtual reality into a person's mind. Under a dying CEO's wish, he must complete the remaining programming details of the project with the help of an A.I., who acts as the CEO's successor.
Possible MPAA Rating: R (for some violence, disturbing images, and brief smoking)
· Genres: Sci-fi, Dark Comedy, Thriller
· Characters: - Donatello Morandi, an ambitious programmer; appears to be enthusiastic about his endless devotion in making beautiful art - Clarice, an A.I. who …show more content…
Inspirations for the Apesion visuals include the dream reality sequences from Inception, the creation of portals from Portal, and changing a human's size from Marvel's Ant Man.
· Apesion includes combined jazz and electronic music. The music emphasizes the visual beauty created that inspires a person to travel inside virtual reality such as the programmer. Jazz might represent a visual journey across Apesion while electronic music represents dark, disturbing moments. Whiplash inspires Apesion's jazz music to sound intense and great.
· Cinematography and editing would help the screen move into separate shots or continuous shots with fast pacing. Apesion works through visual transformations that the camera moves around to capture the beautiful moments. For instance, the programmer's perception of Apesion makes him want learn more about traveling in a virtual world. There would be some shots of the CEO describing the creation of Apesion with some holographic examples in a …show more content…
For instance, the programmer was impressed with Apesion because of its fascinating paradise, but his journey in finishing the project turns into a disturbing horror. The A.I. has artificial dissociative identity disorder that represents her inflicting desire to seduce the programmer in staying in the virtual world and subsequently allowing other people to do the same. Furthermore, she'll destroy the CEO's reputation (possibly murder him) to control over the Apesion process and persuade others to escape the real world and convert their minds artificially. Another possible theme is finding ways in making virtual reality a better technology to work with instead of making it into a land of paradise. The CEO believes his new successor chosen would use the Apesion process wisely. He secretly chose the programmer because the programmer's artistic vision impresses him in improving Apesion and hopefully employs him. Although the CEO decided to let the A.I. be his next successor, he suspects her personal gain in controlling Apesion when she's assisting the programmer. Another example is inspiring the CEO with a jazz performance the programmer created that would prove his talent to improve the Apesion