The first reason Aphrodite is the most important goddess is because of what she represents to others. Officially, she is the goddess of love and beauty. To regular humans, Aphrodite contains qualities that most people seek, and it always will catch someone's …show more content…
She is associated with war because of her relationship with Ares and the Trojan War. Aphrodite did not like her husband, Hephaestus. However, she fell in love with his brother Ares, who happened to be the god of war. They would later go on to have three children of their own. Many say that Aphrodite is responsible for the Trojan War. She made Helen, the wife of the King of Sparta who happened to be the most beautiful woman in the world, fall in love with a Trojan named Paris. She was holding up her end of a bargain and came through. However, it ended in a negative way. The King of Sparta gathered an army to win back his wife, and that was the start of the Trojan War. To much surprise, Aphrodite fought along Ares in the Trojan War. According to, when trying to rescue her son, Aeneas, "she was pursued by Diomedes, who wounded her in her hand." This shows the brave side and the war-like side of her. The goddess of love, who was fighting for her son, was strong enough to go into live combat in an environment that is a parallel universe for her symbols. Some may say it is ironic, but it shows why people know her today. What other goddesses would do what Aphrodite did, in her situation? The answer will be a lower number, and this shows why Aphrodite is the most well known and important