Industry in Jamaica
Mona School of Business – University of the West Indies Course Title: Foundation Skills in Graduate Management Education Course Code: SBCO6000 Lecturer: Mr. Claude Robinson Due Date: July 8, 2012 ID#: 620051236 (Cohort 16)
To: Mr. Claude Robinson
Associate Teaching Fellow, Mona School of Business
From: La-Shaun Latore Student, Cohort 16, Mona School of Business
Subject: Submission of Individual Assignment
Subsequent to the issued assignment in the course outline mandating that each student submit a report on a topic of her choosing, the attached research paper was completed.
The report is titled “An Overview of the Beekeeping Industry in Jamaica.”
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Table of Contents An Overview of the Beekeeping Industry in Jamaica 2 Introduction 2 Advantages of Beekeeping 2 Government Regulations and Services 2 Beekeeping Associations 3 Beekeeping Census and Growth of the Industry 4 Threats to the Industry 4 Future of the Industry and Current Initiatives 5 References 6
Executive Summary
Beekeeping in Jamaica dates back to 1896. It is an attractive venture that allows for other employment and can generate several products, with honey being the most popular product. The Bees Control Act was introduced in 1918 is administrated by the Apiculture Unit in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. This Unit employs trained, experienced beekeepers as Extension Officers who provide support to the island’s 1,800 bee farmers in running and generating income from their apiaries. Bee farmers earn approximately $450 million each year. There are currently two main beekeeping bodies: the All Island Bee Farmer’s Association and the Jamaica Federation of Commercial Apiculturists. Both bodies aim to protect
References: Go-Jamaica (2011). Agriculture Ministry to review local bees stock. Retrieved July 5, 2012 from the Go-Jamaica web site: Jamaica Federation of Commercial Apiculturists (2011) Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (2011). Plant Protection. Retrieved July 4, 2012 from the Ministry of Agriculture web site: United Nations Development Program (2011, June 7) Sudu, Karen (2012, January 12). 18 Farmers Certified as Bee-Keepers. Retrieved from the Jamaica Gleaner web site on July 6, 2012