Although one is a book and the other is a movie, both Apocalypse Now which is directed by Francis Ford Coppola and Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad portray very detailed scenes by using various elements in their respective works. A key part that stands out is the events that lead to death of the helmsman which contains many similarities, but also many differences between the two works. Some similarities like the iconic fog serve to convey a message of the helplessness that the characters feel because of the mystery of their surroundings and uncertainly of their mission.…
The contexts of the extracts are very different to each other. In ‘Heart of Darkness’, Conrad expresses to the reader that when the novel was published in 1899, life in the Congo was quite dangerous, so when Marlow is attacked by the natives, while on the…
Apocalypse Now, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, is the story of Captain Willard's journey up the Nung River in Cambodia to kill a general, Kurtz, who has lost control of himself. It is set in the Vietnam War and is a very gritty and affecting film. Imagine my surprise when I learned that it was sort of based on Joseph Conrad's famous novella, Heart of Darkness. Conrad's book, the tale of the sailor Marlowe's African adventure, is a study on the evils of colonialism. The two stories at first glance do not seem very similar, but after examining both, it is quite shocking the degree of similarity between the two. Many people have been able to draw comparisons to Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness and Francis Ford Coppola's film Apocalypse Now, but the two are by no means identical; the difference is in the details. As Linda Costanzo Cahir states in her article, "Narratological Parallels in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now," "To tell a story differently is to tell a different story," and I agree. Both deal with similar overall themes and messages, parallel characters, and some similar dialogue; yet each use different mediums and specifics to create their effects on the reader/viewer. In examination of the scene in which Marlowe/Willard and co. are attacked by the natives on their way up their respective rivers, the different ways each craft is manipulated to create similar effects is exposed.…
Darkness, in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, functions as a dynamic extension of Marlow’s altering values. Prevailing at its attempts in conveying the various phases of Marlow’s changing mindset, darkness provides a breeding ground for contention—mainly, the questioning of its inherent meaning as the plot and text unfold to form a myriad of clashing ideologies. Despite what many consider to represent solely the depths of human indecency, darkness pushes the bounds of that conclusion and takes on the many forms of greed, despondency, primitivism, and eternal damnation as Marlow’s feelings begin to conflict with standard European ideology. Marlow, perhaps the most complex character, finds himself in the middle of this debate with the eventual…
Sometimes a character, one that is barely mentioned in the novel, can be an integral part of the novel itself one who brings out one of the novel 's main themes. Kurtz is one such example in Joseph Conrad 's Heart of Darkness. The mystery in this novel is mainly about a character named Kurtz whom Marlow desires to meet and speak with. Kurtz, like many others, changes due to overexposure in the African jungle. But even after Marlow meets with Kurtz, Kurtz is still a mystery to Marlow and to Conrad 's readers. To Marlow, Kurtz became widely known as the man with many faces like adding an entire new identity over his body. In the novel, Kurtz can be viewed in many perspectives. He could be the "flabby devil," he could be an honest man, and he could even be mindless idiot who was overwhelmed by Africa. Because of Kurtz 's constant changes, his mysteriousness starts to cloud the reader 's impression of Kurtz. His ambiguity of his nature not only reflects how Africa changes a person entirely, but also the mysteriousness of Africa itself. Through his ambiguity, Kurtz teaches Marlow a lesson that all men are hiding from the truth, but Kurtz still reveals himself more like a cipher, a mysterious human code. Conrad uses Kurtz as one of his prime examples to represent the mystery of Africa; from Kurtz 's many faces to Africa 's effect on Kurtz as well as the other Europeans, Conrad wants to point out that everyone/everything possesses a mystery within themselves an idea Marlow soon realizes through Kurtz 's final words: "The Horror! The Horror!" (64).…
Kurtz represents the id, or the need to satisfy one’s instinct, while Marlow represents the ego, or one’s unconscious. Freud’s theory of repression as well as his ideas of dreams accurately analyze the purpose of Marlow and Kurtz’s psychological changes. This novel revolves around the idea that our subconscious has a more than important role in the actions that we take everyday, and if one’s psyche is thrown off balance it can have a permanent and potentially dangerous effect. This effect can be seen through the way in which Marlow and Kurtz had progressed as characters. Conrad is demonstrating the idea that all of us have an inner desire that we would like to succumb to and that the smallest change in environment or mindset can lead us to turn to our ‘hearts of…
Often, an author of a work of literature will raise questions in one’s mind, but will not answer it to ensure contemplation of the idea presented before the reader. In his novel, Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad utilizes characterization, narration, and heavy imagery to effectively raise questions in the reader’s mind as the book continues in its tedious, yet poetic journey on the Congo.…
Apocalypse Now’s accuracy in following the essential storyline of Heart of Darkness is more impressive despite the different contexts. The exploration of good versus evil and what prompts evil is perfectly portrayed. At the same time, the film also transmits the book’s message about the brutality and condemnation of imperialism. Therefore, Both works expose the evils of imperialism and of men bringing them into life.…
In both texts, there are individuals showcasing major facets motivated by greed, obsessed with the stimulus that is presented in either century. In Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, the character ‘Kurtz’ is primarily stimulated by greed. His obsession with ivory was at an extreme where main character ‘Marlow’ refers to his physical appearance as “like a ball- an ivory ball” and as having an “ivory face.” These respective simile and metaphors encapsulate how Kurtz had become gripped by ivory to the point where it was taking over his very being. This description that Kurtz is placed in is carried through to his dying moments where “The brown current ran swiftly out of the Heart of Darkness-Kurtz’s life was running swiftly, too…” This indirect juxtaposition links the ideas of Kurtz’s life with the Heart of Darkness, not being a physical location, but an internalised nature representing Kurtz. These links of the rapacious Kurtz to a being of pure immorality is an insight into the overtaken existence of greed within individuals of evil.…
Apocalypse Now is a 1979 film set in the Vietnam war and was produced and directed by American film director Francis Ford Coppola and is a film adaptation of Joseph Conrad’s novella Heart of Darkness. The title Heart of Darkness, if used for the film, would appropriately chronicle Captain Benjamin L. Willard’s descent into the darkness of the human heart. In Apocalypse Now, Coppola uses Willard’s existential perspective to illustrate the horror, the savagery, and the psychological impact the war has on those who experience it. From the film’s onset, it is apparent that Captain Willard has been psychologically altered by his previous experiences with war. However, as he progresses on his mission…
The 1987 film Apocalypse Now, written by John Milius and written and directed by Francis Ford Coppola, took direct inspiration from Joseph Conrad’s 1899 impressionistic novel, Heart of Darkness. Coppola illuminates numerous parallels between Captain Willard and Conrad’s Charles Marlow in their respective journeys upriver to meet with Kurtz, especially when Willard’s and Marlow’s crews are attacked by natives. The dissipative death of the helmsman in search of Kurtz reflects the corruption and futility of imperialism as both Captain Willard and Charles Marlow witness the distorted views of imperialism’s ramifications. Through the use of cinematic tools, Coppola is able to capture the same level of depth to his implicit meanings as seen in Heart…
Conrad's novel, Heart of Darkness, was written around 1890 in a time where imperialism was common practice. The subjugation of other countries and nations was common for countries to do and was accepted as a normal process by the people of the dominant countries. From this society Conrad’s main protagonist emerges, Charles Marlow. Marlow is in essence a normal man from England, but as the story progresses he becomes anything but normal. Throughout the book the reader can see Marlow's "change," as caused by his exposure to the harsh and primal world that is the Congo. This change is minimally on a physical level and mostly on physiological and intellectual levels. Conrad emerges from the jungle a changed man, with new…
Marlow never explicitly chooses to be evil nor good, however, vaguely acknowledges that both good and evil are evident around him. He travels around the jungle, also referred to as the “heart of darkness” (57) and “center of evil” (36), rather than going straight through it, in contrast to Kurtz. He avoids abrasive confrontation with evil. However, as the distance between Marlow and the restraints of society grow, it is apparent that his temptation to sin grows as well. Moreover, because Conrad describes evil as both an omnipresent, driving force in the plot as well as a vacancy or a lack of good. Kurtz embodies evil and a lack of humanity, the closer Kurtz reaches a lack of self…
Joseph Conrad and Francis Ford Coppola both provide through different conventions a distinctive insight into the Interior. Joseph Conrad author of “Heart of Darkness”, and Francis Coppola’s appropriation of “Heart of Darkness”, “Apocalypse Now” use their respective protagonists Marlow and Willard placing them in a didactic journey into the unknown interior that proves to be the heart of man, the “Heart of Darkness”. Through the metaphysical journey that both Marlow and Benjamin Willard undergo we are able to understand the views of both Conrad and Coppola that challenged the norm of their time as they depicted to be the senseless destruction, murder and the rape of others land in order for ones profit under the name of Colonisation and War, bringing the “torch” of enlightenment in order to “help” these developing nations. Both composers depict through their protagonists their views of the actions of man as their journey in the real world. With great power comes great corruption and thirst for more as predominantly seen through the relative characters of Kurtz and “Apocalypse Now’s” Bill Kilgore. Conrad and Coppola both use the winding “river…fascinating – deadly – like a snake." Where the snake is used as a biblical symbol for evil and corruption with likeliness to the snake in the Garden of Eden, as a means of basing their metaphysical journeys through Marlow and Willard as they “penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness”.…
Both Conrad’s, “Heart of Darkness”, and Coppola’s, “Apocalypse Now”, greatly show the journey of man into their inner self and man’s encounters with their insanity, fears and demise. The novella and film are comprised of numerous pivotal themes that simplify the understanding…