The primary questions and issues you debated and discussed (i.e., what did your team think was most relevant about the case?). First, the green team discussed the success of the mission. We had a split jury on whether or not we thought the mission was successful. Both sides of the argument were well supported and we agreed to disagree with the following conclusions: one side took the stance that the mission was not successful because they did not make it to the moon; the other side took the stance that the mission was successful because the astronauts’ lives were saved and that the mission evolved into bringing the astronauts home safely. The second issue the green team debated was whether or not ethics played a role in the decisions made by the Apollo 13 team, ground and space. Again we had a split jury. One side felt that ethics and integrity were clearly shown in Apollo 13 when they decided to abandon the mission to the moon when the spacecraft failed for the safety of the astronauts. Both leaders, Lovell and Kranz, demonstrated strong leadership and integrity by collaborating closely with their teams to facilitate clear communication to help escape the danger. This ideology should be emphasized in business corporations. If the collective goal could be identified at the beginning of each problem, it is not difficult to facilitate a collective effort to achieve a common goal. The essence of this film is to teach entities integrity and teamwork. The other side felt that while they could see how the mission was conducted with integrity, but they still having a difficult time seeing how any of it came down to ethics. They did not see any ethical dilemmas played out in the film or the real story of Apollo 13. The mission was aborted, in order to save the astronauts’ own lives, but that is not an ethical decision.
We felt that the two most relevant issues were leadership and teamwork. These are the important learning lessons
References: Katzenback, John R. & Smith, Douglas K. (2005). The Discipline of teams. Harvard Business Review, 83(7/8), 162-171. Retrieved from Porter, A. L., Glazer, B., & Orleans, L. (Producers), & Howard, R. (Director). (1995). Apollo 13 [Motion picture]. USA: Universal Studios. Singh, J. (2008). Impostors Masquerading as Leaders: Can the Contagion be Contained? Journal of Business Ethics. 82, 733-745. Doi: 10.1077/s10551-007-9588-9. Retrieved from