ACC 546
June 11, 2012
Anderson, Olds and Watershed
Phoenix, Arizona 85003
Mr. Larry Lancaster
Apollo Shoes
Phoenix, Arizona 85003
Dear Mr. Lancaster,
The purpose of this letter is to make sure we have an understanding as to what the audit of Apollo Shoes financial statements will consist of for the year ending December 31, 2011. The objective of this audit of the company’s financial statements is to confirm that all aspects of the company are in compliance with the United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and that the company’s financial position, internal operations and cash flows are presented fairly within the financial statements. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with U.S GAAP and will require us to test your accounting records and any other tests we deem necessary in order for us to …show more content…
The audit will include examining evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, tests of physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation of certain assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected customers, creditors, and financial institutions. In connection with our audit of the financial statements, we will obtain an understanding of internal control sufficient to plan the audit and to determine the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures to be