The appearance why “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” famous in the story is because the drowned man found in the waves inspire all of the people in a small village and coastal village. A group of children saw a dark and slinky bulge that turns out to be a drowned man covered in seaweeds and stones. The drowned man is a stronger-looking, tall, most virile, and most handsome man they …show more content…
The four types of personal appearance are: How we see ourselves, how we dress and groom ourselves, How others see us and react or respond, and How we think, feel, and act or behave. These four aspects of personal appearance explain how people feel more comfortable to show what kind of person they may be and to be presentable. Self-appreciation is the first step of making people desperate is by showing their personality in public by having poise and gestures. Also, according to Nardostekle, one smile can make all difference in the world. One smile has the power to release stress, being attractive, and make someone look stronger in their appearance. One smile can recognize what the mood of a person is and it can lead by showing purity and peace in one’s