There are many benefits of healthy eating for children. Although childhood obesity if becoming more and more common, it can prevent obesity in later life. They’re more likely to progress into a healthy adult life, will avoid diabetes, like iron-deficiency anaemia, heart disease, stroke, cancer and dental decay and can have a positive influence on all aspects of learning. It can also help children improve their concentration, learning and…
Meanwhile, young children shouldn’t eat too many fibre-rich foods, either, as these may fill them up so much they can’t eat enough to provide them with adequate calories and nutrients.…
Ideally meal times should be an enjoyable occasion, which can be used to talk and catch up on the day’s events. For some families meal times can become a battleground where parents are continuously attempting to get their children to eat a good range of food. As a result of this children can sometimes develop food phobias. We need to watch out for children who are becoming distressed by food or worried about what they eat. It is important to stay relaxed during meal times. To help keep the atmosphere relaxed families could try to present food in a different way or involve the children in the preparation. Children may be more likely to try new foods if they have helped to prepare the meal.…
A child’s diet is vital for ensuring that they develop properly. There are various conditions that may occur in childhood that are directly linked to a poor or unbalanced diet, including:…
1.1 The eat well plate shows the different types of food we need to eat and in what proportions to have a well-balanced and healthy diet.…
When a child is ill the relationship with food and drink changes quite significantly; whilst a child may normally have quite a good appetite which sustains the activity they are doing you can often see a drop in appetite similar to the drop in activity levels. The effect of an illness on the body sends it into a semi shut down whilst it sets about dealing with the illness. when the body stops or reduces the amount of nutrient intake that it gets through food the body will loose energy at the same time. Although the body has gone through a semi shutdown the immune system is working overtime and will need to be hydrated to metabolise the remaining nutrients and keep producing immune system anti bodies. For this reason it is essential for the body to absorb small amounts of fluids at regular intervals apposed to…
Nutrition and eating a balanced diet is vital to a person’s wellbeing. If someone has inadequate food they will not receive the right amounts of vitamins and…
Some children have a difficult time dealing with stress, so they use food to comfort them when they feel unsure of things. Like adults, they too use food as a comfort when they feel, bored, anxious or angry. Children in the past did not have to worry so much about parents being divorced and remarried, mothers that worked long hours or fathers that traveled for most of the week. Today 's economy has put financial strain on parents and children cannot help but to hear and feel the results of these tough economic times. The children of this generation are all too familiar with all of these situations. Each child has to contend with different factors in their lives and they too turn to food as a…
Children energy requirements are not as high as adults. Children at this stage don’t have appetites, children should be encouraged to eat health and balanced diet such as fresh fruits and vegetables, fish potatoes, pasta and rice. Children should eat less sweets and crisp and this can lead to obesity and tooth decay.…
Like adults, some kids may turn to food as a coping mechanism for dealing with problems or negative emotions like stress, anxiety, or boredom. Children struggling to cope with a divorce or death in the family may eat more as a result.…
It is important that children and parents are aware of what is the right size portion for the child. This is because this can lead to them becoming under or over weight. This could also include the types of food that are included in the portion of food as some foods are healthier for children than others. For example fizzy drinks, chocolate and cake aren’t good for children and can make them become hyperactive and fruit and vegetables are good for children and will provide them with the vitamins that they need. However some fruit juices can also be high in sugar so sometimes it is best just to stick to water.…
During the snack time we all need to make sure that all the children feel comfortable and happy enough. Sometimes the children are unhappy and don’t want to eat anything it is important that we don’t…
Children have to have a balanced diet of certain foods in order for the children to grow properly. This list provides for children;-…
Teachers can encourage students to bring healthy snacks and lunch to school. To promote this, the teacher can create programs to ensure students are eating healthy nutritious foods whilst at school. An example, allocating particular days to a particular healthy snack such as, on Fridays we will bring fruit for ‘Fruit Friday’. Each child will then bring their desired piece of fruit that day, or ‘Yoghurt Tuesday”. This could be a fun way of encouraging students to bring healthy foods in their lunchboxes. Rewarding children when they eat healthy encourages them also, to continue with these healthy eating habits. The teacher could make a rule that if everyone has their fruit on Friday or yoghurt on Tuesday, they can be rewarded with an activity they enjoy, involving physical movements, for 15mins afterwards as their reward. Teachers can also help to encourage healthy foods in canteens and tuckshops. Replacing foods and drinks which are high in sugar, fatty, unhealthy and have no nutritional value such as chips, soft drink, pastries, lollies with foods low in sugar, less fat and have more nutritional value like, milk, yoghurt, fruit, vegetables and fish. This can help with children’s diet and health. “School canteens can be a major source of food for children and young people. Canteens that only sell healthy and nutritious food encourage good eating habits and can improve the diet of…
Eating habit is the primary cause of obese in children. Children always eat wrong proportion of nutrient, and eat more than necessity. Moreover the Thai eating habit is replaced by western eating habit for example; they eat spaghetti or pizza in the fast food shop instead of eats mackerel chili sauce with vegetable stream at home. So they will face with overweight problem, and finally they become the obese children. And today many children are snacking on Western junk food especially in school. You can…