As a mutual fund manager, the decision to invest or not to invest in a company is one that entails thorough research of a company’s assets, business practices, and their way ahead. As a mutual fund investor, I want to invest in a businesses with high return on investments and businesses that need collateral but will not hinder my business. I will conduct a detailed analysis of their brand, stakeholders, customers, products, business ownership, and a SWOT analysis.
Background Information
Apple was founded by Steven Jobs, Stephen Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in 1976, they launched their first computer in 1977 in which they earned over $100 million by 1980. In 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh, the first personal computer with a mouse, which was very unsuccessful in the beginning. Steven Jobs left Apple but returned to work there in 1997. Apple created very innovative products such as the iPod, iMac, iPhone, and iTunes. Apple is known for technologically advanced innovative products, which in return allows them to market their products at high dollar value and create a high demand. With the resignation and death of Steven Jobs, the future of Apple is unpredictable.
SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
Apple’s products are leading the way in design, reliability, longevity, uniqueness, and development. Products such as the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and the iPod have become the forefront in their specific arenas. Apple is known for creating innovative products that attract to people of all ages. Unlike many other companies, Apple is involved with every aspect of their product from the design to the software on the products. With the variety of products offered by Apple, they have very many loyal customers whom can use Apple for all of their IT needs. This is important when branding a product with all of the variety choices of electronics offered.
In addition, Apple has capitalized on their products by making them
References: U.S. Department of Interior. (). What is a Stakeholder. Retrieved from Apple Inc Company Overview. (2011). Retrieved from Wikipeida. (2011). Apple Inc. . Retrieved from