In this Financial Analysis of Apple, I will go over Apple 's financial ratios, key historic stock data, what made its stock deviate from its regular price - events like unveiling of new products, or stepping down of an executive. I will also go over Apple 's international operations, performance of its competitors and how Apple is doing in regards to them, where Apple gets most of its information, new products that Apple is unveiling, future opportunities, and what its CEO and Board of Directors feel about Apple 's future.
I thought of doing Apple 's history and origins first, such as who founded Apple, when was it founded, or what were one of its first products. Then I would do Apple 's financial analysis including, stock performance evaluation, debt ratios, financial health, and forecast of Apple 's stock. But I have decided to forgo doing Apple 's history, the reason was that finding historical data is pretty rudimentary, and every individual who wants to invest in Apple or has an interest in Apple should know how to get that particular information. As such, we will skip over Apple 's history and this practice will be continued in all our future Financial