Apple Inc, is a brand multinational company which is the USA’s most specialist retailer in advanced technology like computers, cell phones and softwares.
From the best products of this company that are used all around the world we can find the Iphone which is one of the most advance cell phone ever created or the Ipad and IPod or softwares like ITunes and IWork.
By choosing the company, we shall apply the 4ps in the marketing mix to describe how this company will gain successful position in the market.
The marketing mix is a set of tools that are used to satisfy the customer’s needs and the company objectives and it’s controlled by four variables which are called the 4Ps; * Product * Price * Promotion * Place
In this case, Apple need to focus on the basic costumer need which is simple, for example the customer needs a cell phone with camera to be able to store photos or videos or to share them in internet or an HD TV that allows the user to watch high definition movies and internet videos in widescreen.
Then, by setting the target market, Apple is looking for a huge worldwide market for consumers that are aged above 12 years old and especially those who are willing to pay more for an Apple product.
PRODUCT nowadays, technology is growing very fast, knowing that Apple is one of the most advance and luxurious brand of technology that try to come every time with what customers want, will not guaranty that their product will always stay on the top of sophistication. customers requirements are very hard to understand and difficult to follow but for brand names like Apple its just matter of using the right strategy that analyze the new product that customers ask for and put it in the market and by giving the chance to customers to say what they think about the product , Apple look forward to make a long relationship with their customers by answering their requests
References: * James Manktelow. (2012). the marketing mix and the 4PSs. Available: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newSTR_94.htm. Last accessed 10/12/2013. * unknown. (2009). marketing mix. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing_mix. Last accessed 10/02/2013. * *. (2007). Apple inc marketing mix. Available: http://www.marketingteacher.com/case-study/apple-case-study.html#. Last accessed 10/02/2013. * wikipedia. (2009). Apple inc. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Inc.. Last accessed 10/02/2013.