This Is a report based on the company Apple, it’s a report summarising where they are within the market which they have established themselves and what makes them what they are, how they got there and what issues they need to be concerned with in the future and the present. This report with allow the reader to understand what sort of organisation Apple are, what they are about and where they are within the market they are in. The outcome will allow the reader to indentify how Apple operate and what microeconomics techniques they use to stay within there market.
Page 1 – Title page
Page 2 – Summary, Introduction
Page 3 – Introduction, Literature review
Page 4 – Literature review, case study
Page 5 – Case study, conclusion
Page 6 –
This report is based on microeconomic theories used by a company, and in this case Apple Inc. This report is going to be used to help identify the main microeconomic techniques used by Apple and how they apply them to there everyday operation in relation to the market they are in.
The reason Apple has been used as a research example is simply because of the industry it’s in, the type of company it is and the size of the company. Apple clearly established as an electronics market leader, is a perfect example of a company that wants to expand using effective market techniques in relation to adhering to the industry they are in.
Brief Background
Apple Inc is an electronics provider, providing small electronic appliances to both public and commercial consumers. Over the years since being established Apple has grown into a cleat market leader for this industry. With retail establishments popping up over the world its clear that Apple have plans on expanding there organisation and there consumer audience. Apple has an aim to continue expanding by the release of new and revamped existing products by utilising there what has been concerned as a brilliant service.
Research aims
The research aims