PHStat2 is Windows software that assists you in learning the concepts of statistics while using Microsoft Excel. PHStat2 allows you to perform many common types of statistical analyses while using the familiar Microsoft Excel interface.
The rest of this document is organized into sections that will assist you in setting up and using PHStat2. Note: In this document, the symbol è means “on the next submenu, select.”
Table of Contents
1 PHStat2 Technical Requirements
2a Configuring Excel 2007/Excel 2010 Security for PHStat2
2b Configuring Excel 2003 Security for PHStat2
3 Setting up PHStat2
4 Using PHStat2
5 Updating PHStat2
6 Troubleshooting PHStat2
7 What's New in PHStat2?
1 PHStat2 Technical Requirements
There are separate requirements for using PHStat2 and running the PHStat2 setup program. The requirements for running the setup program are more exclusive..
Requirements for using PHStat2:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8.
Microsoft Excel 2003, Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 (32-bit version), with the latest Microsoft-supplied patches and service packs applied. (Visit for latest Excel updates.) PHStat2 is not compatible with the 64-bit versions of Microsoft Excel. PHStat2 no longer fully supports Excel versions earlier than Excel 2003. Users of earlier Excel versions discover that the new procedures discussed in Section 7 will not function properly.
For Excel 2007 or Excel 2010, Trust Center Macro Settings set to Disable all macros with notification (see Topic 2a “Configuring Excel 2007/2010 Security for PHStat2” for complete details).
For Excel 2003, Microsoft Office macro security level set to Medium (see Topic 2b in “Configuring Excel 2003 Security for PHStat2” for complete details).
Internet access for downloading Microsoft Excel updates and PHStat2 updates (visit as they become available. MyStatLab users will always have access to