The differences between Apple and Windows Pc.
Hardwares: Apple macbooks has a hardware that is highly regarded across the industry. Unlike a Pc, macbooks has a harder chance of getting a virus or/and a malware. Apple is hard to break in with a virus which makes hackers not want to try hacking because Apple has a high security which Pc doesn’t. You have a higher chance of getting a virus on a Pc.
Software: With Pc’s, you have to buy softwares thats supports what app you are trying to do, you will have to pay monthly for these softwares; for example: Word. But with a macbook, you will not need to make monthly payments for apps. Apple already comes with apps that you …show more content…
Problems: with Pc’s, you can run into more problems, your laptop may freeze and erase your work. Things tend to run slower and everything spins for a long time. With Apple, your laptop runs smoothly and you will not run into any problems. When you click an app, it is twice as fast as a …show more content…
Pc’s will heat up quicker than macbooks. Apple laptops can be used longer than a pc without overheating to fast.
Backlight: with Apple, during the night or when night shift is on, your mousepad and keyboard will glow so you can see where each key is at while you work in the dark. The Apple logo on the cover is always lite while in use to tell you that your laptop is not dead. When you dim your screen, the logo will also dim. With a Pc, you can only dim and brighten the screen.
Colour and angling views: Apple has a better picture quality and the angling has a sharper view for better picturing. On a Pc you can actually see the little dots to make the laptop screen light up.
Audio/video: Apple has a better sound quality than a Pc. But a Pc has a HDMI port that Apple doesn’t support.
Battery life: let’s say you are on a 5 hour flight and you take your Pc and macbook with you and both are at 100% charged. You don’t know which laptop to pick to do your research paper that will take about 3 hours to complete. You take out your pc and start to work on your paper, and 2 hours later, your computer dies and your work erases after it died. You then pull out your macbook and you get your paper done with about 40% left remaining in 3 ½ hours. Macbooks have a better battery life and if your macbook laptop ever dies on you, your work will save. Pc’s have a high chance of