EGL 102 (Paper #2)
Android VS iOS, which ones better? At the end of the 2011 fiscal year, Android phones turned out to be really innovative and competitive, and crept up on iPhones in overall sales. Apple had been at the top of the list and unparalleled ever since the release of the iPhone in June 2007. While there seems to be an ongoing debate over which is better, the iPhone and Android smartphones have many similarities and differences to consider.
Apple 's operating system which is the iOS and Google 's operating system which is Android have many components in common; both are Linux-based operating systems for smartphones, but there are some dramatic differences that make both of these operating systems almost very different. The iPhone 's iOS is completely closed. By that, it means that it is being developed by Apple and used exclusively for legitimate Apple products. The only smartphones that will ever run the iOS are manufactured by only this one company.
Apple keeps a strong hold on its operating system, but on the contrary, Android started life as part of an open alliance of 84 electronics firms, legitimately backed by Google, with the objective of developing a consistent operating system between them. Many of the members of this group, the Open Handset Alliance (OHA), will release smartphones based on the Android operating system. Android is adaptable, and even though it was purchased by Google, other developers can use it. For example, IPhones top competitor, Samsung uses it in their firm 's smartphones. LG and HTC are other examples of smartphones that also use the Android OS. There are advantages and disadvantages to both operating systems, and the competition between the two platforms is going to shape the smartphone market for years to come.
Both the iOS and Android platforms offer many similar features that are appealing to the user. Both have a fairly