Emerging Artist (up to $3000 for the beginning of your career)
Individual Artist (up to $10,000)
Organisation (up to $20,000) x Access (up to $3000)
* Before completing this form, ensure you have discussed your application with the relevant Arts SA officer (ph: 8463 5444).
1 Applicant’s details ! Important
Is this application by:
Individual Group Inc. association
Company State Gov. agency Local Gov. agency
Do you have an ABN? Y N
If you do, record here: 123 4567 8910
Do you have an ACN? Y N
If you do, record here:
Have you applied for an ABN and are waiting for it to be allocated?
Are you registered with the Australian Tax Office for the GST?
2 Organisations and groups only
Contact person: Alice Giselle
Position: General Manager
Chair / CEO / Responsible person: Erin O’Connell
Position: CEO
Postal address: 123 Blue Lake Street
Mt Gambier SA
Postcode: 5290
Work ph: 08 8123 4567
Email: AGiselle@bluelakeyoutharts.com.au
3 Individuals only
Gender: M F Other
* Do you have an Australian Citizenship or permanent residency status? Y N
* Are you currently living in SA? Y N
Important: If you have answered NO to either of these questions *, please address in your application.
4 Amount requested from Arts SA
$ 2500 (exclusive of GST)
5 Project summary
Title: Blue Lake Youth Arts Festival Restless Dance Access programme
Blue Lake youth arts festival is a multi arts, open access festival held during national Youth Week 2015. We are applying for funding to support the inclusion of people with mixed abilities in the workshop program, and outcomes showcase with visiting company, Restless Dance Theatre.
Start date: 10th April 2015
End date: 12th April 2015
6 Auspicing (if applicable)
If you do not have an ABN or would like assistance with the financial management of your project, you will need to have your grant auspiced.
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