Ball through the transformation, unique screening device and grate holes arranged in the form of changes to adapt to different requirements than the surface area of slag powder. In addition, ball mill lining diaphragm plate and take specific technical design, could effectively improve the efficiency breaking the slag. Large particles of slag materials contain only small, relatively uniform particle size, particle size and more concentrated in the 1 ~ 60mm. Therefore, in order to control the particle size into the mill and facilitate optimal size distribution, the points should base on pre-screen grid.
Slag on the ball mill equipment wear depends on the content of iron and iron oxide. Because the clinker grind ability of slag, the ball mill makes the grinding coarse slag particles in the cement and its potential hydration activity cannot fully function. However, the slag mill made of the specific surface area for 400-600m2/kg GGBS can replace part of the cement ready for mix high strength concrete admixtures.
The material produced by ball mill of Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery Co., Ltd has advantages of fine granularity, mass production and low energy consumption.
Ore slag must first select the line of the ball mill equipment before its entered the next process in or dressing. At present, the slag powder grinded by ball mill and classified by separator is widely used in the production process flow system. It plays an important role in the fine grinding.
Ball through the transformation, unique screening device and grate holes arranged in the form of changes to adapt to different requirements than the surface area of slag powder. In addition, ball mill lining