Acceptance of ethics is important to individuals and groups because it allows for constructive criticism, and it helps avoid and resolve conflicts. In groups it is very important for ethics to be accepted because it will give a common ground of understanding and respect that a team or group needs to be successful. Accepting ethics of others is important to individuals and groups because it allows the individual and members of a group to gain confidence in themselves which leads to morale and productivity.
Application of ethics is important on individual levels because a person who applies their ethics is true to themselves. Application of ethics also makes an individual who they are or who they are perceived to be. Application of ethics on a group level is also important because it allows people to act in a way that they are proud of. It also allows a group to be responsible for their actions. If a group shares ethical beliefs the application of them will also be a common ground. Application of ethics by individuals and groups shows integrity and confidence. This can lead to pride in work, and a group mentality. These effects are important in any group situation, and the effective application of ethics will lead to success.
When we work in any organization we are bound to accept the moral ethos of that organization. Relying on our own moral principles only erodes the trust and understanding that is necessary for any cooperative work to function successfully. I will discuss and evaluate these claims.
In any position we hold within a company, it is important to make sure that our conduct in that company facilitates the smooth functioning of that workplace. However, if the moral ethos of the organization we