Socialism is one of the two offshoots of Karl Marx's writings; the other being communism. It is both a critical analysis of and an answer to the excesses of capitalism. Its basic theoretical foundations are dialectical materialism, labor theory of value, and class struggle. It embodies two primary concepts, namely abolition of private ownership of the means of production and centralized economic planning in contrast to private ownership of property and free enterprise in capitalism. Socialist society is a transitory stage under the dictatorship of proletariat towards communism.
Co-Existence of Democracy and Socialism The idea that Marxism and democracy are opposites is false. The fact is that under capitalism (which is usually referred to as "democracy), there is no real democracy. Yes, you can vote every few years in the presidential and congressional elections. But look at who stands in those elections. Only those who have enough money to do so. Who finances their campaigns? The big corporations. So you do not have a real choice. In practice, there is democracy only for the rich and powerful bourgeois democracy. Under socialism, the economic resources of the country would not be in private hands, but in the hands of the majority of the population who would run and control them democratically. This would be a real democracy where the people would have real control over their lives. They would be able to democratically elect their representatives in government, and at the same time, these representatives would have real power over the economy to really change things. These officials would be subject to immediate recall if they