Fangfang Rutland
May 8th, 2008
Table of Contents
I. Executive summary II. Introduction III. Maslow and Maslow's theory a. Biographical sketch b. Basic structure of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory c. Inspiration for “Hierarchy of Needs” theory IV. Application of Maslow's theory a. Maslow's theory in business 1. Workplace management 2. Marketing b. Maslow's theory in psychotherapy c. Maslow's theory in the healthcare industry d. Maslow's theory in social science V. Theories derived from Maslow a. Motivation-Hygiene Theory b. Wilber VI. Empirical studies on Maslow's theory a. Supportive findings 1. Porter 2. Alderfer 3. Reiss & Havercamp 4. Ghiselli & Johnson 5. Guttman Scale Test b. Non-supportive findings VII. Maslow's theory across cultures
VIII. Summary and Conclusion
Executive Summary This is paper attempts to answer the question “Is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs a Valid model of Motivation?”. We begin by reviewing Maslow’s life and the basic structure of his Hierarchy of Needs Theory. Then continue by explaining what inspired his theory. The use of this theory is examined as applied in business, Psychotherapy, the healthcare industry, and social science. Similar theories are reviewed including Frederick Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory and Ken Wilbur’s theory as interpreted by Rowan. Then we take a look at Empirical testing of Maslow’s work to try to determine if his model is valid. A study by Hall and Nougian did not support Maslow’s theory. However, there are some studies that show support or partial support. A literature review includes reviews of studies done by Porter, Alderfer, Reiss and Havercamp, and Ghiselli and Johnson as well as the Guttman scale test. Although some argue that Maslow’s
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