Learning Objective
Describe how malicious attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities impact an IT infrastructure.
Key Concepts
Attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities in a typical IT infrastructure
Common security countermeasures typically found in an IT infrastructure
Risk assessment approach to securing an IT infrastructure
Risk mitigation strategies to shrink the information security gap
Kim and Solomon, Chapter 3: Malicious Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities.
Kim and Solomon, Chapter 4: The Drivers of Information Security Business.
Use the following keywords to search for additional materials to support your work:
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
Risk Management
Risk Mitigation
Security Countermeasures
Window of Vulnerability (WoV)
Servers to have running * Windows DHCP * Server 2003 Target * Ubuntu Desktop * Ubuntu Server
Week 2
* Calculate the Window of Vulnerability (See Below) * Microsoft Environment Analysis (See Below)
* Conduct a Vulnerability Assessment Scan Using Nessus® * Lab book pages 15 – 27 * Screenshots and answer questions on pages 26-27
Project (Part 2 Due Week 11) * Project Part 2. Student SSCP® Domain Research Paper
Unit 2 Assignment 1: Calculate the Window of Vulnerability
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
You will learn how to calculate a window of vulnerability (WoV).
Assignment Requirements
You are reviewing the security status for a small Microsoft workgroup LAN. The workgroup contains many distinct separations in the network determined by group memberships. An example of the network divisions is as follows: Windows laptops: Traveling salespeople,