Acceptance Model Under Different
Cultural Contexts: The Case of
Online Shopping Adoption
Abdul R. Ashraf, Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl, and Seigyoung Auh
Global usage o f the Internet has increased remarkably in the past few decades, thus necessitating a better understanding o f e-commerce adoption across cultures. Against this backdrop, this study contributes to the existing technology adop tion and acceptance literature in the following ways. First, the authors develop an extended technology acceptance model that incorporates trust and perceived behavioral control and examine it in settings outside the United States to better understand the adoption o f e-commerce across cultures. Contrary to the authors’ expectations, the predictive power o f the technology acceptance model seems robust and holds true for both Pakistan and Canada, despite some noteworthy differences between the two cultures. Second, although the importance o f perceived ease o f use and per ceived usefulness on consumers’ intentions to shop online was validated across both cultures, the results highlight the complex relationships between perceived ease o f use, perceived usefulness, and intention to adopt in each country. The authors offer suggestions to technology managers and e-retailers regarding navigating through new technology and ecommerce adoption under various cultural contexts.
Keywords: technology acceptance model, early adoption stage, online shopping adoption, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness
se of the Internet has increased remarkably in the past few decades, transforming the world into a global village. The number of online shoppers grows rapidly as Internet adoption and penetration lev els increase (Colton, Roth, and Bearden 2010; Ha and
Stoel 2009). The Boston Consulting Group (2014) has forecasted that by 2016, the Internet economy will grow to $4.2 trillion in the G-20 economies. Presently, the
Internet economy
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