J. Galt Lock Ltd
Ujjwal Dhakal S1238629
Operations and Service Management [M3N212833]
Individual Report (50%) - Front Cover & Feedback Sheet
Student Name: Ujjwal Dhakal
Matriculation No: S1238629
Programme of Study: BA Management Technology and Enterprise
Student Signature: Ujjwal
Date: 02.08.13
Marking Criteria
Level of understanding and critical evaluation of case study evidence; (40%)
Depth and breadth of conceptual understanding shown by links to academic literature to explain your case study analysis; (30%)
Clear and logical conclusions and recommendations; (20%)
Report Presentation (10%)
Tutor(s) Signature: ………………………………………….… MARK ………….%
Executive Summary:
As a part of course work I was to find the problems in the company and had to make recommendation relation it to lean Management. I don’t some research and provided recommendation on how the improvement can be made. The importance of Lean management is disused and how can a lean management be implemented, steps by steps is discussed here. While doing this report I had less time but I without going too deep I surface try to conclude and recommend the lean management to the company that was presented in the case study.
J galt Lock ltd is a company dealing with the hardware products in the home retail and commercial market. Company had a single plant with just over 2000,000 square feet and is organised into different department. Recently company has been facing a bit of problems due to not managing the operation in the work area. The items are scattered and there is no any specific space for any of their goods. This is making tem slow in deliveries and always rushes in work even in the quite