October 3, 2012
Introduction Our first class in the masters in nursing program, has been focused on nursing theorists. We have learned about Grand Theories, which are theories that are very broad and difficult to test and Middle Range Theories, which are also broad theories but narrow enough to be testable. We have learned how to study the different theories, looking at how we can utilize theories to evaluate practice. I have been in a nursing leadership role for many years. Approximately 8 years ago, I lead a group of nurses to develop a shared governance nursing model in our organization. Shared governance is having staff involved with making decisions related to unit operations. Staff looks at professional practice, staff development and orientation, quality improvement initiatives, and research. We created a three tiered governance model that included a unit council, specialty senate, and nursing congress. This model was implemented; however some units and departments had more success than others. Four years later, I was asked to gather a group of clinicians across the organization to look at how we could enhance the governance model to be an interdisciplinary model. We included clinicians from respiratory therapy, dietetics, clinical therapies, case management and discharge planning, pastoral care, lab and radiology services, pharmacy, and advanced practice nurses. This model was also implemented with varying levels of success. Prior to each implementation, and annually thereafter, the organization provided education to the staff leaders of these unit councils and specialty senates. Educational material varied from year to year, but included how to run a meeting, how to create an agenda, conflict resolution, change management, etc. Teams were included when planning the annual educational sessions. The practice problem I would like to review is how managers lead in a shared
References: Anthony, Mary K. (2004). Shared Governance Models: The Theory, Practice, and Evidence. Callaway, B.M. (2002). Hildegard Peplau: Psychiatric nurse of the century. New York: Springer. Current Nursing. (2011). Application of Interpersonal Theory in Nursing Practice. Retrieved on September 16, 2012, from http://currentnursing.com/nursing_theory/applicationPeplau’s_interpersonal_theory.html Current Nursing, (2012) Forchuk, C. (1993). Hildegarde E. Peplau: Interpersonal nursing theory – Notes on nursing theories (10) Hastings, Clare., & Waltz, C. (1995). Assessing the Outcomes of Professional Practice Redesign: Impact on Staff Nurse Perceptions Hess, Robert G. (1994) Shared Governance: Innovation or Imitation? Nursing Economics 12(1) 28-34. Kanter, Rosabeth Moss Website. https://rosabethkanter.com, retrieved September 27, 2012. Larkin, M., Cierpial, C., Stack, J., Morrison, V., & Griffith, C., (2008). Empowerment Theory in Action: The Wisdom of Collaborative Governance Issues in Nursing, March 31, 2008. Laschinger, H.K.S, Wong, C., McMahon, L., & Kaufman, C. (1999). Leader behavior impact on staff nurse empowerment, job tension, and work effectiveness McDermott, K., Laschinger, H., & Shamian, J. (1996), Work Empowerment and Organizational Commitment… Kanter’s structural Theory of Organizational Behavior, Nursing Sabiston, J.A. & Laschinger, H. (1995). Staff Nurse Work Empowerment and Perceived Autonomy Smith, S. (2008). The Impact of Structural Empowerment on Project Managers Organizational Commitment