Damicia Ware
January 28, 2015
Mrs. Yvonne Moore
Applying the Results and Conclusion of the Research Process in Health Care
In what way are the data collection procedures appropriate for this study?
The data collection method that was used for this study was surveys and interview that was conducted with a pregnant or a parenting teen who was either pregnant or who gave birth to babies within two years prior to the dates of interviews. The individual interview method with the students was the primary method for collecting qualitative data. The data collection procedures were appropriate because the data information [Passive voice is the “to be” verb (be, is, was, were, or been) plus a participle. Use active instead of passive voice to make writing more vibrant and concise. Active voice = Bill completed the paper on time. Passive voice = The paper was completed on time by Bill. (Refer to Active and Passive Voice from the Grammar and Writing Guides in the Tutorials & Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence for more information.)] from direct interaction with individuals that was one to one basis or face to face. Although the interview methods were time-consuming, the information was more affluent and provided deeper insight. Data preparation involves checking or logging the data in; checking the data for accuracy; entering the data into the computer; transforming the data, and developing and documenting a database structure that integrates the various measures
In what way were appropriate steps taken to protect the rights of subjects?
Potential research questions can give informed consent only if they have all the information about the study they need to decide whether to participate. Informed consent respects each 's right to make choices. Only after consent was obtained [Passive voice is the “to be” verb (be, is, was, were, or been) plus a participle. Use active
References: A Study of an Alternative School for Pregnant and Parenting Teens: Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence. (2006, April). Springer Science & Business Media, 23(2), 172-195. http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/218371449 A Study of an Alternative School for Pregnant and Parenting Teens: Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence. (2006, April). Springer Science & Business Media, 23(2), 172-195. http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/218371449