1. Introduction
Explain the purpose and structure.
The performance appraisal is an opportunity to discuss on performance related issues, give clear feedback and reach a mutual agreement on objectives and what can be improved, finalising with a plan for further development.
• How do you think your performance was over the past six months - from December to May so I can a feedback from you and then have a discussion on that.
• What has gone well and what do you think was success for the period?
2. Measure on performance.
2.1. Areas of responsibilities/ Company business goals. • Do you understand the targets and how to achieve them and how they comply with the company business goals:
2.2. Confirm what successful issues were.
• Will you summarise what do you mark as your personal success in regard of your responsibilities?
2.3 Areas that need improvement/ Behind target
• Which are according to you the areas of performance that need improvement? • What factors have an impact on your performance?
• Do you think you may need any assistance and further couching? • Are you ready to meet new challenges?
2.4.Offer support • Is there anything you would like us to do in order to support you? • Do you think regular reviews (one to ones) will be beneficial to your work? • Can we offer you counselling or some other support?
3. Job satisfaction
• What gives you most satisfaction in work?
• Are there any ways we can improve your job satisfaction?
(environment improvement, technical assistance, providing opportunity to develop in a specific area...)
• Are there any new areas you feel you want to improve?
4. Agree on an action plan
- Meeting to discuss on specific trainings - Counselling from line manager - Monthly reviews/one to ones to discuss results,