Upon reading Appreciative Living: The Principles of Appreciative Inquiry in Personal Life by Jacqueline Bascobert Kelm, I created two Appreciative Living (AI) experiments, one focusing on the process of Appreciating and the other on Acting. I constructed my first experiment based upon the Appreciating Exercise 4: Changing Focus and the Acting Exercise 9: Acknowledging the Good (Kelm, 2005). The emphasis of my AI experiment was to recalibrate and better focus my attention in addition to building positive feelings within the workplace. According to Kelm (2005), “Every moment is full of things to pay attention to and what we choose to notice creates our experience” (p. 32). This thought resonated with me especially …show more content…
Through conducting part one of my AI experiment, I acquired a sharper understanding of how the questions about what I don’t like about working with the person on the project created a negative connotation for me. Conversely, the questions about what my ideal state in working with the person on the project created more positive undertones in how my mind viewed and observed the situation. Finally creating the questions to focus more on what I wanted and selecting one new question to ask each day for a two-week period, opened up my mind to more of the art of the possible. As Kelm indicated, my behavior on the first few days really did not have noticeable change when asking and reflecting on my new questions (Kelm, 2005). Continuing to ask and answer the new questions, I did notice a shift in my behavior between when I started and ended the two-week period. Now I am finding it much easier to find the positive aspects of this person and working relationship as well as increase my overall engagement with them and this …show more content…
With all of the demands at work and having to do more with less, I found that I needed in order to be successful in the effort, to schedule adequate time not only to notice positive intent of others but also to compliment them in a sincere and appreciative manner. I also noted that each recipient that I acknowledged was impressed on the detail of what I noticed within them rather than providing an overall observation and that for the most part, I did so in person. I received great feedback to validate my perceptions, which helped me continue that focus throughout the