In his work Jack C. Richards cites Edward Anthony and his definitions for approach, method and technique.
“An approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning. An approach is axiomatic. It describes the nature of the subject matter to be taught.”
“Is the level at which assumptions and beliefs about language and language learning are specified.”
In my opinion an approach is all the ideas, principals and theory behind teaching language. They are the general principalities and hypothesis regarding teaching a language.
Richards , Jack C., and Theodore S. Rodgers. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2001. Print.
What is a method?
“A method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural.”
“Is the level at which theory is put into practice and at which choices are made about the particular skills to be taught.”
In my own understanding a method is actually teaching based on the approach. Is the procedure and the steps a teacher must follow to teach the language.
Richards , Jack C., and Theodore S. Rodgers. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2001. Print.
What is a technique?
“A technique is implementational- that which actually takes place in a classroom. It is a particular trick, stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish and immediate objective.”
“technique is the level at which classroom procedures are described.”
A technique is more like a style that is developed by teachers based upon experience many times integrating different methods.
Richards , Jack C., and Theodore S. Rodgers. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2001. Print.