Ethical Approach to Reducing Taylor Studio, Inc.’s Payroll Cost
Taylor Studios, Inc., a corporation in which we are the sole shareholder, has been facing some tough economic times. Recently the corporation’s accountant has advised us, the sole shareholders of the company were having a hard time keeping up with their expenses. The accountant has asked that we develop a plan which will assist the corporation in reducing payroll costs by 25%. In trying to figure out a way to reduce payroll costs, we have decided that there are several different ethical ways to approach the reduction: the conventionalist ethic, the end-mean …show more content…
Traditional act-utilitarians disagree with these kinds of accommodations to deontological theories, claiming that it goes against utilitarianism at its core—which says that each situation should be evaluated individually, absent of any kind of basic, overriding set of moral guidelines. ( The distinction between act and rule utilitarianism is therefore based on a difference about the proper object of consequential calculation — specific to a case or generalized to rules. …show more content…
It is a good approach as it is subjective to each individual situation because the hedonic calculus allows for us to apply each decision to the different needs of that decision. However, in real world, utilitarianism is a weak theory to base on environmental ethics because it maximize human’s benefits but sometimes forget to treat the animals and nature the same. Therefore, to assess whether we can use it for the environment is difficult as there is no basis for whether all sentient beings are equal or