1. Psychological approach to Industrial Relations
2. Sociological approach to Industrial Relations
3. Human Relations Approach to Industrial Relations
4. Socio- Ethical approach to Industrial Relations
5. Gandhian Approach to Industrial Relations
6. System approach to Industrial Relations
Psychological approach to Industrial Relations
• The general impression about a person is radically different when he is seem as a representative of management from that of the person as a representative of labour
• The management and labour see each other as less dependable
• The management and labour see each other as deficient in thinking regarding emotional characteristics and inter- personal relations.
Sociological approach to Industrial Relations
• Industry is social world
• Various individuals and groups
• Difference in individual attitudes and behaviour create problems
• Social change cannot be overlooked
• Role of state and political parties
• Industrial relations are determined by power
Human Relations Approach to Industrial Relations
• Delicate and tricky
• Handling is radically different
• Physiological needs
• Safety and security needs
• Egoistic needs- higher order needs, self esteem
Socio- Ethical approach to Industrial Relations
Industrial Relations can be maintained when both the labour and management realize
• Labour management relations exist within the social, economic and political structures of society
• The goal of labour- management relations may state as maximum productivity , leading to rapid economic development, adequate understanding among employers, workers and the govt., of each other’s role in industry and willingness among parties to co-operated as partners in the industrial system
Gandhian Approach to Industrial Relations
• IR are based on fundamental principles of truth and non- violence
• The worker should seek redressal of reasonable demands only through collective action