
Appropriate Recruitment Is Like Putting Money Into Bank

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Appropriate Recruitment Is Like Putting Money Into Bank
“Appropriate Recruitment is like Putting Money into Bank”

Submitted By
Amena Begom
3rd Year, 2nd Semester
Section: C
Course Title: Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Course No: BBA 322

School of Business
Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology
Fall, 2012.

Table of Contents Contents | Page Number | Overview of Banking Industry in Bangladesh | 1-6 | -The History of Banking Industry in Bangladesh | 1 | -Current Status of the Bangladesh Banking Industry | 2-4 | -Problems related with Bangladesh Banking Industry | 4-5 | -Prospect of the Banking Industry in Bangladesh | 5-6 | Literature Review | 7-13 | -Definition of recruitment and the basic recruitment process | 7 | -The general recruitment process of the banks in Bangladesh | 8-13 | Literature Review | 14-18 | -Comparison of bank investment and appropriate recruitment | 14-16 | -Appropriate recruitment is similar to putting money into bank | 17 | -Barriers of appropriate recruitment | 17-18 | Recommendations | 19-20 |

Overview of Banking Industry in Bangladesh
Banking sector of Bangladesh is one of the major sectors, which contributes significantly to the national economy. The sector comprises a number of banks in various categories. Considering ownership the sector can be classified in to four major categories - such as Nationalized Commercial Banks (NCBs), Specialized Banks (SPBs), Private Commercial Banks (PCBs), and Trans-National Banks (TNBs).
The History of Banking Industry in Bangladesh
After achieving independence in 1971, the government of the newly-found Bangladesh declared the Dhaka branch of 'State Bank of Pakistan ' the new Central Bank and named it the 'Bangladesh Bank '. Bangladesh Bank was responsible for controlling currency and credit and monitoring exchange control. It was also the official foreign exchange Reserve. The government took over all the existing national banks and renamed them. The

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