Moral Relativity- Not everything a society does is universally acceptable. As as anthropologists they have the responsibility to try their best as they can to speak up to these cultures and try to change them.
ANTH100 Forum 1 week 1 option 2- complete 3/6/13
The difference between cultural relativity and moral relativity is that cultural relativity is where they study cultures from their point of view without imposing with out culture beliefs. Moral relativity is where not everything may be acceptable by other societies universally. So we try and speak up to these cultures about their practices and hope to change their ways to make them morally acceptable.
Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism means that we go to study a cultural and their languages but without imposing on their ways of their language in anyway or form. Just observing.
Cultural Relativity is studying another culture from its point of view without imposing our culture values in with theirs. As scientist they have the responsibilities to assume that they have some reasoning behind why they do as they do. As for moral relativity their responsibility is to try and speak out to these cultures about their practices and in hope to change their ways to make them morally right. For example ( Park Chapter one page 17) the stuff that farmers use to burn large amounts of space in the worlds rain forests may have a good person reason for what they are doing but it is morally incorrect to others. We should try and change their minds and make a more global friendly way for them to purse there livelihoods. A example for culture relativity ( Park chapter one page 17) with women not getting the same medical treatment as men would just because they are