1. Provide a brief synopsis of the film. (When does the film take place? Where does the film take place? What is the storyline?)
The movie The Last of the Mohicans took place in 1757 during the French and Indian War. In the movie the main character Nathaniel Hawkeye and his adoptive father and brother save Major Duncan Heyward and the two daughters of Officer Edmund Munro who were set up by their guide Magua. While on their way to the fort where Munro is Hawkeye and the group found the home of a friend and member of the Colonial Militia destroyed with its occupants murdered. Once at the fort Munro was taken aback at the site of his daughters since he had sent a message telling them not to come. At the fort Hawkeye told the militia about the Cameron home, but a jealous Duncan told Munro that this was done by thieves and as a result the militia is not allowed to leave the fort. Despite Munro’s threats Hawkeye helps his friends leave. The following day he was arrested for sedition and sentenced to hang. At the same time the French General Montcalm generously offered a safe passage to Albany to all occupants of the fort if they surrendered and vowed to never fight in North America again. Reluctantly Munro accepted after Montcalm showed an intercepted message, showing that no aid is coming. Magua, the guide, was not happy with this plan, he revealed to General Montcalm that because of Munro his family was destroyed. As the British soldiers and their families were leaving the fort Magua and his men ambushed them yet again. This time Magua succeeded in killing Munro, but not before promising to kill Cora and Alice too. Hawkeye, Cora, Alice, and a few others fled in canoes across Lake George and down a river to a cave behind a waterfall, but Magua and his men followed. To protect Cora and Alice, Hawkeye urged them to surrender and promised he will find them. Magua took Duncan and the two sisters to a Huron village. As Magua was negotiating the