Anastasiya Li, Kaili Ganigan, Vanessa Wong
Miss Conner
AP US History
10 December 2014
Historians have traditionally labeled the period after the War of 1812 the “Era of Good
Feelings.” Evaluate the accuracy of this label, considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism. Use the documents and your knowledge of the period 18151825 to construct your answer. The "Era of Good Feelings", which took place during James Monroe's two terms serving as President of the United States, unfortunately, was a misnomer. Considerable tranquility and prosperity did in fact smile upon the early years of Monroe's presidency, but the period was a troubled one. The fluctuating issues of national finances, political disagreements, and ideas from this era were being hotly contested. From 1815 through 1825, which occurred after the War of
1812, the “Era of Good Feelings” empathetically caused emergences of ideas of nationalism and sectionalism. Although the “Era of Good Feelings” was a troubled time, the emergences of sectionalism and nationalism affected national factors of economics, politics, and ideas during this time. Economically, the “Era of Good Feelings” was that of economic distress due to, tariffs
(1816/1824),sectional economic differences, and the Bank Issue. Tariffs such as the Tariff of
1816 provided the federal government with money to loan to industrialists. It also increased the cost of European goods in the United States. Rather than just absorbing the tax, European businessmen added the cost of the tax to the price of their items, thus making the American
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consumer pay for the tariff. Although American consumers had to pay a higher price for
European goods, sectionalism developed amongst certain states to protest against