__________________ distinguishes itself from other belief systems by its emphasis on the sacred and divine.
Religions usually explain _________________________________________________________, as well as the meaning of life and death.
General Information about Religions
__________________________________________: attempts to be global and to appeal to all people with no specific ties to a culture or location
____% of the world’s population adheres to a universalizing religion.
____% follow an ethnic religion.
____% follow no religion.
Universalizing Religions
Each universalizing religion is divided into _____________________:
_____________________ are large and basic divisions within a religion.
_____________________ are divisions of branches that unite local groups in a single administrative body.
_____________________ are small denominational groups which have broken away from the established church.
The three main _____________________religions are:
Each attempts to be _____________________ in its appeal to all people, not just to those living in one location.
This universalizing religion has the _____________________and the most _____________________ distribution.
It is the predominant religion in:
North America
_____________________ America
Branches of Christianity
_____________________ (50% of Christians): believe in the teachings in the Bible as they are interpreted by the church hierarchy; headed by the Pope in Vatican City; believe in the seven sacraments which are rituals that convey God’s grace to humanity
_____________________ (24% of Christians): begun by Martin Luther in Germany [1517] when he posted the 95 Theses on a church door; believe in direct communication with God rather than performance of the sacraments; believe that