Unit 8 – U.S. Domestic Policy
Climate Change Policy – Who Should Lead?
All levels of government are actively involved in many scientific and technological issues, such as climate change and man’s role in the condition of our environment. In this activity you will research climate change and view some federal, state, and local policies, as well as initiatives for private business. You then will be asked to decide who would be most effective in taking the lead in creating and implementing policies to reduce the human causes of climate change.
Use the websites provided to answer the questions. Website are frequently updated, therefore you may need to use a seach engine such as Google to find some of the anwswers.
Part I – Short Answer IN YOUR OWN WORDS
1. What is Climate Change? What indicators do we have that it is occurring? (2pts) http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/basics/ Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees and is predicted to raise another 2-11.5 degrees over the next one hundred years. Climate change is when the climate is changing as a whole regarding things such as earths tempature.
2. What is Climate Leaders? Who participates? What level of government (Federal, state, and/or local)? (2pts) http://www.greenandmore.com/environmental-information/greenhouse-gas-reduction.html Climate Leaders is an EPA partnership program with individual companies to develop long-term, comprehensive climate change strategies. This group which involves many companies and countries sets goals on how to reduce waste and create a better earth.
3. What is Waste Wise? Which level of government participates? (2pts)
WasteWise helps organizations and businesses apply sustainable materials management practices to reduce municipal and select industrial wastes
4. Briefly explain what the US Climate Change Technology Program is and what it aims to do. Who participates? (2pts) http://www.climatetechnology.gov/ A web-based,