Estuaries: are areas along coast where fresh water mixes with salt water from oceans, contains 2/3 marine and shellfish species, and extremely productive places for plants/ algae, which filters contamination in water. Mangrove Swamps (Forests): occurs along tropical and subtropical coasts, contains salt tolerant trees with roots submerged in water. Mangrove trees aid on coast with erosion/storm damage. Intertidal Zone: narrow band of coastline between the levels of high and low tide Coral Reefs: most diverse, in shallow waters, Symbiotic relationship with algae, challenged by pollutants and sediments. When algae dies, Coral Bleaching occurs. coastal zone- away from shore photic zone(euphotic)- sunlight can penetrate aphotic zone(bathyal)- sunlight cannot penetrate benthic
Estuaries: are areas along coast where fresh water mixes with salt water from oceans, contains 2/3 marine and shellfish species, and extremely productive places for plants/ algae, which filters contamination in water. Mangrove Swamps (Forests): occurs along tropical and subtropical coasts, contains salt tolerant trees with roots submerged in water. Mangrove trees aid on coast with erosion/storm damage. Intertidal Zone: narrow band of coastline between the levels of high and low tide Coral Reefs: most diverse, in shallow waters, Symbiotic relationship with algae, challenged by pollutants and sediments. When algae dies, Coral Bleaching occurs. coastal zone- away from shore photic zone(euphotic)- sunlight can penetrate aphotic zone(bathyal)- sunlight cannot penetrate benthic